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Press Highlights

Press Highlights

THE BOYS IN THE BAND, Windy City Playhouse - Jordan Dell Harris


FALSETTOS, Actor's Express - Jordan Dell Harris

FALSETTOS @ Actor's Express, Photo by Casey Gardner

As 'James' in Mosque4Mosque - About Face Theatre

"Handsome, talented Jordan Dell Harris is terrific, as always, in this production. His honest portrayal of James/Jesse is perfect for the style of this production. Harris was a standout in Windy City Playhouse’s immersive production of the Jeff Award-winning “The Boys in the Band.” He’s worked in theatres all over Chicago and this new role is simply another superb performance that audiences will enjoy." -Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review 

As 'Donald' in THE BOYS IN THE BAND - Windy City Playhouse

"Three other performances stand out in the party hosted by Jackson Evans’ fragile Michael: Jordan Dell Harris, who plays Donald, the character with the greatest chance at happiness, you feel;..." -Chris Jones for the Chicago Tribune 

"Jordan Dell Harris, who’s also become a fixture on area stages, is perfectly cast as Donald. The handsome, brilliant young actor makes a strong, sensible foil to and emotional support for Michael." -Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review 

"The cast is generally terrific, with extra points to Evans for keeping Michael sympathetic even at his worst moments, and to Harris for infusing interest into a character who’s written as a bit of a cipher." -Kris Vire for Storefront Rebellion

As 'Patrick Carver' in SUNDOWN, YELLOW MOON - Raven Theatre

"The cast includes Liz Chidester, one of the most truthful actors in this city, as well as an impressive young performer named Jordan Dell Harris, who dives deep into his character here." -Chris Jones for the Chicago Tribune

"Another of Chicago’s finest, multitalented young actors, Jordan Dell Harris is solid and charmingly earnest as Carver... This handsome actor, with the sweetest singing voice, plays this  failed musician with authenticity and understated enthusiasm." ​ -Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review

"Harris and Chidester are the most polished musicians in the cast." -Aaron Hunt for NewCity Stage

"Harris as Tom’s counselor is another standout, especially moving as he helps Tom deal with his past." -Taryn Smith for Picture this Post

"[Tom] clearly loves both his daughters, but he shows it by joking or snapping irritably — and it’s even more fun to watch him bump against the emotional walls he’s set up as he works through his problems with his court-appointed therapist Carver (played with a pensive, almost tragic air by Jordan Dell Harris)." -Aaron Lockman for Rescripted

"Jordan Dell Harris is a kindly old soul as Carver." -Barry Retszel for Chicagoland Musical Theatre


As 'Whizzer Brown' in FALSETTOS - Actor's Express

"Jordan Dell Harris as Whizzer is handsome and personable, yet he takes what would seem on the surface to be a simple character and reveals there’s more to this likable and misunderstood human being. Jordan brings humanity to the role and we find ourselves falling in love with his character every bit as much as Marvin does." -Jody Tuso-Key for Speakeysie 

"Of all the performers, especially noteworthy are De Maria, warm and confused at a turning point her life; Newberg’s precocious Jason; and Harris’ Whizzer, who isn’t one for monogamy and the domesticity Marvin wants, but doesn’t come across as a complete cad either." -Jim Farmer for ArtsATL

"Whizzer (Jordan Dell Harris) is every cliché of a "pretty boy" boy toy, narcissistic, ever on-the-prowl.  But he is also a loving "step-father," and his relationship with Marvin's son has a ton of appeal.  And his ultimate doom drives the powerful conclusion of the piece." -Brad Rudy for Atlanta Theatre Buzz

"There’s a wonderful esprit de corps which only reenforces the notion of family and what it can be: a scintillating, quirky, sometimes messy collection of partners, parents, exes, babies, and best friends—all bonded by love. For this we thank Messrs. Thorpe, Waldrip, Harris, and Newberg—each of whom brings his own personal vibrancy, magnetism, and charm."

-Manning Harris for Atlanta Intown Paper

"The handsome Harris also excels as that ill-fated lover." 

-Bert Osborne for The Atlanta Journal Constitution


As 'Ash Williams' in EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL - Black Button Eyes Prod.

"Jordan Dell Harris is impeccably intense, suave and athletic as leading man Ash. Harris perfectly embodies the stereotypically heroic and noble protagonist, as a near spitting image of the legendary Bruce Campbell—from the action-ready wide-eyed stares to the hard-pressed furrowed brow. His acting chops are matched by his vocal prowess and able-bodied combat. It takes a special actor indeed to belt at the top of his range while being sprayed with mouthfuls of blood, and it takes a resilient one to convincingly roll across couches and into walls as he battles with his own hand." 

-Quinn Rigg for Chicagoland Musical Theatre

"Jordan Dell Harris, a star in the making, perfectly re-creates Bruce Campbell's iconic performance as Ash with myriad facial expressions, wonderfully dynamic physicality, and wry catchphrases." -Josh Flanders for Chicago Reader

"But the true star of this show is Harris as Ash. Not only does Harris meet the excruciatingly physical demands that this role requires but he surpasses them with a manic yet always sincere performance. Whether charming with his Donny Osmand-like good looks and matinee idol thick, dark hair or his eerie resemblance to a young Jim Carrey in his prime, Harris has facial expressions that galvanize you and also impel you to constantly keep your gaze upon him whenever he is on stage, which is for roughly 90 percent of the show." -Jeffrey Leibham for Around the Town Chicago

"Harris is a rock-solid, versatile singer as Ash" -Jonathan Aberbanel for Windy City Times

"Jordan Dell Harris does an amazing job as Ash, and perfectly pulls off the badassness and dumbassness of Ash Williams, and even happens to sort of look like a young Bruce Campbell, which is a definite bonus." -James Brod for Third Coast Review

"Jordan Dell Harris’ Ash, the hapless hero, bears an uncanny resemblance to Bruce Campbell from the original and also seems to be channeling Campbell’s deadpan matinee-idol delivery. It’s an effective performance that provides an anchor for the ridiculousness, as in the original. " -Kerry Reid for the Chicago Tribune 

"...the demons begin to inhabit the friends one by one, eventually leaving Ash (Jordan Dell Harris in a brilliantly over-the-top performance) alone to try to send them back to the depths of whatever hell they came from." -Karen Topham for Chicago OnStage

As 'Dan' in HOMOS, OR EVERYONE IN AMERICA - Pride Films & Plays

"The always exciting, boyishly handsome Jordan Dell Harris, is Dan... Mr. Harris brings a suave sensuality to this young, prolific author. Dan is smooth, relaxed and a young man who seems completely in charge, who enjoys his friendship, and perhaps more, with both The Academic and The Writer." -Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review

As 'Sam Lebedev' in LEAVE ME ALONE! - The Story Theatre

"Boyishly handsome Jordan Dell Harris is intelligent, eloquent and honestly passionate as Sam." 

-Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review

"All of the actors are equally capable in this production. Most notable among them are [...] Jordan Dell Harris as new love interest Sam Lebedev (the play’s tagline is “like Anton Chekhov’s Ivanov, but gayer), who acts as a voice of reason to self-destructive Nik." -Karen Topham for Chicago OnStage

As 'Henrik Egerman' in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - BoHo Theatre

"As Fredrik and Desiree fall back in love, Anne finds her feelings for her adult stepson Henrik (Jordan Dell Harris) increasingly hard to ignore. Harris’ Henrik is a linchpin here, glowering, gloomy and endearing. He’s simultaneously comic and tragic, a fervently wrathful adult who is also very much a lonely child." -Catey Sullivan for the Chicago Sun-Times 


"Guth’s energy and upbeat attitude is a perfect contrast and complement to Harris’s moody, angry Henrik. Like the cello that he plays, (and director Linda Fortunato handles that in a clever way), Henrik can be very expressive and deeply disturbing, and his emotional instability challenges any actor playing the role. Harris handles Henrik beautifully. Both actors also have lovely voices." 

-Karen Topham for Chicago Onstage


"Jordan Dell Harris’s forthright Henrik sulks suitably but never condescends: His sweetly ignorant seminary student really is torn between adolescent awkwardness and sexual awakening. Henrik’s “Later” never reeks of self-pity, just all the doubts we once harbored and mustn’t forget."

-Lawrence Bommer for Chicago Theatre Review 


"Standout talents included two of the comic male leads—Christopher Davis as Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm and Jordan Dell Harris as Henrik Egerman." -Amy Munice for Picture this Post

As 'Pan/Bud/Daisy' in BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL - Griffin Theatre

"Applause for puppet designers (Lolly Extract and Amber Marsh), as well as the ensemble, which includes Ron King (who stirs it up to grand effect as Reverend Hightower) and Jordan Dell Harris."

-Hedy Weiss for the Chicago Sun-Times

"The supporting cast are terrific, all of whom play multiple roles, male, female and animal... Jordan Dell Harris is very good as Bud, but Daisy and the god Pan are his standout performances."

-Colin Douglas for Chicago Theatre Review

"It’s a total joy to watch Jordan Dell Harris, Jeff Meyer and Ron King do their many johnny-on-the-spot gender swaps." -Amy Munice for Splash Magazines

"The performance of the music... was almost always on point. Male singers (especially Ron King and Jordan Dell Harris) hit their highs each time, not a single musician (singer or pit) skipped a beat." -John Glines for Chicago Stage Standard

"McGinnis alone is worth the price of admission, but he's backed by a strong nine-person ensemble. Anne Sheridan Smith, Tiffany Tatreau, Matt W. Miles, Ron King, and Jordan Dell Harris (a decidedly ambisexual Pan, the forest god) each takes center stage in a big number served up in tasty fashion." -Jonathan Abarbanel for Windy City Times 

As 'Tony' in WEST SIDE STORY - Fabrefaction Theatre Co.

"The central love story is that of Tony (Jordan Dell Harris) and Maria (Caroline Geckler). Jordan Harris’ Tony is magnetic and vulnerable, with an easy command of the stage" -Manning Harris for Atlanta Intown Paper


As 'The Hustler' in SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION - Actor's Express

"The talented 18-member cast includes several familiar faces... alongside a number of newcomers (most memorably, Patrick Myers, Ashley Prince and Jordan Snead as various spoiled kids and Jordan Harris as a nude gay hustler). -Bert Osborne for the Atlanta Journal Constitution


As 'Charlie Jackson' in HIDDEN MAN - 7 Stages

"Mr. Harris is excellent and heartbreaking, as it becomes apparent that Sherer cannot fully return Charlie's love. These two young men both have stunning futures. There's nudity in the play, as both of these characters symbolically wash each other clean from sin and lust. The scene is beautifully and sensitively performed." -Manning Harris for Atlanta Intown Paper

"A nude love scene between brave co-stars Malcolm Campbell-Taylor (as Robert) and Jordan Harris (as his boyfriend) is sensitively handled, when it could have felt gratuitous or exploitive. They shower together, literally washing away their sin." -Bert Osborne for the Atlanta Journal Constitution

As 'Hanschen Rilow' in SPRING AWAKENING - Actor's Express

"The true standouts among the younger cast include... Bernard D. Jones as Ernst and Jordan Harris as Hanschen.  Both Jones and Harris provide superb comic relief during their scene with Jones' shy portrayal a perfect juxtaposition to Harris' arrogant character."  -A. Wesley for Atlanta Theatre Fans

"...notables include LaLa Cochran... and Jordan Harris as the scene-stealing Hanschen/Rupert and dead wringer for a young Johnny Depp. He is thankfully a part of the show's brief gay subplot, which is respectfully treated and was in fact a part of Wedekind's original work."  -Bo Shell for GA Voice

"The supporting ensemble is terrific, too, especially Kathryn Foley (Anna); Nick Arapoglou (Georg/Dieter); and Jordan Dell Harris and Bernard Jones, who are cast somewhat against Aryan type as Hanschen and Ernst, the Achilles and Patroclus of this art-imitating-Latin-class tableaux." 

-Wendell Brock for the Atlanta Journal Constitution

"Jordan Harris plays a savvy Hanschen."  -Manning Harris for Atlanta Intown Paper

© 2023 Jordan Dell Harris

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